Keyboard Shortcuts in IBM BPM Web Process Designer

I've been spending quite a bit of time in the Web Process Designer lately and the inevitable consequence is a push to use it as effectively as possible.
It has taken me a couple of months to un-learn the CTRL-SHIFT-O Eclipse shortcut (which, incidentally switches to the Inspector View in the Web Process Designer) when I want to open a new artifact.
As far as I can tell, the new way to achieve this is...
  • CTRL-SHIFT-L (switch focus to the library)
  • Up/Down Arrow (focus on the artefact type that you're interested in)
  • Enter (open the search)
  • Type (e.g. "My Cool Coach View") (to search)
  • Enter (to open)
It's a couple of extra keyboard strokes, but it's still preferrable to reaching for the mouse.
All the keyboard shortcuts are listed here:
Add your most useful keyboard shortcut (for IBM BPM Web Process Designer) in the comments below...

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