Taking Stock with Sownata

I made the visualisation above to post on Reddit (r/dataisbeautiful). It didn't do as well as I hoped. I know it's not everyone's cup of tea but I'm gong to assume that posting on Reddit is a bit like dropping 2p coins into those coin pusher arcade machines..
2020 has been an eventful year. I'm grateful for stable work and for all the wonderful people in my life (in particular my amazing wife).
So how did I do in 2020...
I think my Watch events (the top row) were OK but fall short of where I would like to be. I watch way too much YouTube and the channels I watch the most are not particularly meaningful or educational. I binge-watched a few (very good) Netflix shows this year and I also rewatched some great shows. I need to ration my viewing a little more.
My Exercise and Consume events (middle row) are a little better. It took me a while to find a new normal when it comes to exercising but I can probably run and cycle further and faster than at any other point in my life right now . My diet has been consistently healthy, if a little boring. I need to make good use of the various cookbooks on my bookshelf and I also need (not shown in the charts above but available in the data) to double down on the last 5% of meals to achieve an animal-free diet.
My digital Interact events (i.e. social media) are pretty similar to last year. I recently watched the Social Dilemna and I'm aiming to reduce these numbers (along with my YouTube numbers) in 2021. My physical Interact events have been pretty good. Spending more time at home has given me more free time and in any given week there are usually a few opportunities to catch up with people outdoors etc.
- Data for the Watch events is imported from files that you can download from YouTube and Netflix.
- Data for the Exercise events is imported directly from HealthKit and Strava.
- Data for the Consume events was manually entered (usually by Siri).
- Data for the digital Interact events is imported from files that you can download from Facebook and Instagram (the Twitter data is imported directly).
- Data for the physical Interact events was manually entered (usually by Siri).